Submission Guidelines
Articles submitted for publication in the Tennessee Lodge of Research Annual Proceedings should be type written in Microsoft Word or a compatible program. Margins should be 1 inch on the right, top, and bottom, 1½ inch on the left. Page numbers should be centered at the bottom without embellishments.
The entire document should be in 12 point Times New Roman font, including the title, which should be centered at the top of the page in Bold. The By Line should be centered as should the author’s full Name.
All quoted or paraphrased material should be cited parenthetically, and all sources should be listed on a Works Cited page. Parenthetical citations, notes, and Works Cited should follow the guidelines found in MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 9th edition. An overview of general MLA guidelines may be found online at the “MLA Citation Examples” web page of Purdue University.Click or Tap 👉 for the Quarry Project Style Guide
-The Editorial Committee -
These are not meant to be book reports (simply reiterating what the book was about). Rather, they are evaluations of the book’s contents and how the Brother may apply the information in his Masonic journey. Most book evaluation reports are approximately 2-3 pages, submitted in Word or PDF format and accompanied by an Academy cover sheet.
Specific requirements:Format:
1. Academy cover sheet
2. Paper:
Type of activity (required/optional book, meeting evaluation, education program, article)
Level (1, 2 or 3)
MEU (Masonic Education Unit) requested
Pages numbered
No spelling, punctuation or grammar errors
You may provide a brief (1-3 paragraph) summary
Assessment of the general usefulness of the book for Masons
Examples of what the Brother agrees or disagrees with and why
Examples of how the Brother may apply information from the book to his Masonic journey
These are not meant to simply summarize what a speaker had to say. Instead, it is an opportunity for the Brother to assess the presented information (agree/disagree and why?). Constructive suggestions for improvements in the presentation or its contents are appropriate. And, the Brother should include examples of how they may apply the information in their Masonic journey. Most meeting evaluation reports are approximately 2-3 pages, submitted in Word or PDF format and accompanied by an Academy cover sheet.
Specific requirements:
1. Academy cover sheet
2. Paper:
Name/date of meeting
Name(s) of speakers
Pages numbered
No spelling, punctuation or grammar errors
Brief summary (typically 1-3 paragraphs, may be more) of the speaker’s presentation
Assessment of the general usefulness of the presentation for Masons
Examples of what the Brother agrees or disagrees with and why
Constructive suggestions to improve the presentation
Examples of how the Brother may apply information from the presentation to his Masonic journey
No violation of Masonic oath or obligation
The purpose of this activity is to give the Brother an opportunity to give a Masonic presentation and assess its effectiveness.
Specific requirements:
1. Academy cover sheet
2. Paper:
Location of presentation
Date of Presentation
Length of presentation (required: 20 minutes or longer)
Audience (Lodge, public etc.) and number of audience members
Methods used for presentation (lecture, demonstration, power point etc.)
Assessment of presentation (self and audience suggestions for improvement)
No spelling, punctuation or grammar errors
No violation of Masonic oath or obligation
Outline of topic(s) presented
Summary of self-assessment/audience comments
Copy of any handouts used
Items such as power point slides should be submitted only upon request of Academy mentor
Specific requirements:
1. Academy cover sheet
2. Paper:
References as appropriate
No spelling or grammatical errors
Article is clear, coherent and provides evidence of sound reasoning and discussion Style as indicated by publisher or as agreed upon with Academy mentor
No violation of Masonic oath or obligation
Evaluation Report Cover Sheet
A cover sheet in this format must accompany each evaluation report. The report should be emailed to the Secretary at secretary@tnlor.org. To download and print this cover sheet as a PDF, click HERE