Petition TNLOR

Membership in the Lodge of Research shall be exclusively by Master Masons in regular standing in subordinate Lodges of this jurisdiction or affiliated with Lodges in jurisdictions recognized by this Grand Lodge.

Click HERE for a downloadable PDF of this petition

INSTRUCTIONS: Petition must be completed in full. To pay online, follow the instructions after hitting “Submit” to make your payment. To pay by check, download PDF of petition HERE, print it, and fill it out, and send the completed petition, a photocopy of your Lodge dues card, and $15.00 payable to T. L. R. ($5.00 for fees, $10.00 for dues) to:

Michael A. Neulander, Secretary
3055 Martin Hollow Road
Culleoka, TN 38451-2323

Tennessee Lodge of Research

  • The Tennessee Lodge of Research, F. & A.M. of Tennessee, is a subordinate lodge instituted to foster and expand knowledge of the history and philosophy of the craft by encouraging masonic study and research, thereby assisting the Grand Lodge in its diffusion of masonic light and education by publishing masonic information and educational material.

  • The Tennessee Lodge of Research supports the Masonic Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund of Tennessee and the Grand Lodge Library and Historical Museum Fund.

  • All Master Masons who are members in good standing of subordinate lodges of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, and all Master Masons who are members in good standing of any subordinate lodge of Grand Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons, or Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, recognized by the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, are eligible for membership in the Tennessee Lodge of Research.

    As a member, you will receive a quarterly bulletin prior to that quarter’s stated meeting, and our Annual Proceedings, which contain papers corresponding to the presentations made at the stated meetings, as well as other papers submitted that year and the monthly Short Talks Bulletins of the Masonic Service Association. The subjects range from the history of Masonry (in Tennessee and in general) to the meaning of our symbols, Masonry’s place in and contribution to society, Masonic philosophy, and the current state and future of Masonry. These Annual Proceedings are given to the Lodge of Research members in the format they request (printed booklet or downloaded PDF file).

  • The stated meetings of the Lodge of Research are held on a Saturday of each March (Middle TN), June (East TN), September (West TN) and December (Sparta Lodge #99—our “home lodge”) in a dedicated hall in the State of Tennessee, and its meetings begin at 1:00 p.m., except as otherwise provided. At each meeting a presentation is made on a subject pertaining Masonic history (Tennessee or general), Masonic symbolism,

    Masonry’s place in and contribution to society, Masonic philosophy, and/or the current state and future of Masonry. Papers corresponding to these presentations are compiled into our Annual Proceedings, mentioned above.

  • It is the desire of the Lodge of Research to encourage Master Masons to have more interest in masonic enlightenment. Your curiosity in reading this information is an indication that you have a desire for more masonic light. We, therefore, encourage you to submit this petition for membership to the Tennessee Lodge of Research.

  • The Members’ area of our website has papers from past Proceedings and videos of the presentations made at our meetings.