The Tennessee Lodge of Research, F. & A. M.,

The Tennessee Lodge of Research, F. & A. M., is a subordinate lodge instituted to foster and expand knowledge of the history and philosophy of the craft by encouraging masonic study and research, thereby assisting the Grand Lodge in its diffusion of masonic light and education by publishing masonic information and educational material. It was formed in 1983 and received its charter in 1985.

Meetings are held quarterly on the first Saturday of each March and the second Saturday of each June, September, and December at high twelve. Meetings are held in different lodges and different geographical areas of Tennessee each quarter. Typically, the March meeting is held in West Tennessee (west of the Tennessee River), the June meeting in Middle Tennesse, the September meeting in the East Tennessee area, and the December meeting at our “home Lodge,” Sparta Lodge No. 99 in Sparta, TN. Normally, a meal is served prior to each meeting and a talk about a Masonic or Masonically affiliated subject is presented at each meeting. These talks are presented by both members and nonmembers and an attempt is made to keep them non-esoteric in nature so they may be printed in the proceedings and can be attended by non-masons. After the talks are presented, all who are not Master Masons are asked to retire so the Lodge may be opened in order to conduct the business meeting.

Subjects presented during the talks range from the history of Masonry (in Tennessee and in general) to the meaning of our symbols, Masonry’s place in and contribution to society, Masonic philosophy, and the current state and future of Freemasonry.

Membership is not required to attend a Tennessee Lodge of Research meeting. All Master Masons are cordially invited to attend, and encouraged to join. Membership is open to all Master Masons in good standing. The fee is $5.00 and dues are $10.00 per year. Dues are used to pay printing and postage expenses to provide each member a quarterly bulletin which contains highlights and special information after each meeting, and an annual book of proceedings which contains transcripts of all presented talks during the year and other useful and informative Masonic materials.

Master Masons interested in joining the Tennessee Lodge of Research may fill out a petition HERE or reach out to the secretary at secretary@tnlor.org.

Tennessee Academy of Masonic Knowledge

Online Book

The Esoteric Tennessee Lodge of Research

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Meldotf Whence Comenth Us?

This presentation, discussing the organization of the Tennessee Lodge of Research, was delivered virtually via Zoom by Brother John Meldorf, Charter Master of the Tennessee Lodge of Research, at the September 12, 2020 meeting of the Lodge of Research at Volunteer Lodge No. 549 in Chattanooga.