TN Academy of Masonic Knowledge Certification Levels

  • Eight (8) MEU’s are required for certification. Level I requirements are a mechanism to help all participants develop an entry-level interest in the program as well as a basic knowledge of Freemasonry. These requirements serve as the foundation on which you can build a quality personal education program. To provide for a variety of individual interests the eight MEU’s will be earned from the Level I list.

    Read and submit an Evaluation Report for three of the Level One books listed below.

    MEU’S: 1 per book
    Max MEU’S: 3

    Read additional books from the Recommended Books List or other Masonic books and submit Evaluation Reports for them

    MEU’S: 1 per book

    Max MEU’s: 5

    Attend Tennessee Lodge of Research or a Masonic research meeting, and submit an Evaluation Report

    MEU’S: ½ MEU per session

    Max MEU’s: 2

    Present a Masonic Education program to any Masonic Body or to a public gathering. (20 minutes or longer)**

    MEU’S: 1 for each different presentation

    Max MEU’s: 3

    Compose a Masonic article, suitable for publication. (1000 words minimum)*

    MEU’S: 1 for each article

    Max MEU’s: 3

    Required Reading (pick three):

    • Allen E. Roberts, The Craft and Its Symbols, 1974

    • Bernard E. Jones, Freemason’s Guide and Compendium, 1950,1956

    • John J. Robinson, A Pilgrims Path, 1993

    • Joseph Fort Newton, The Builders, 1914

    • Allen E. Roberts, The Mystic Tie, 1991

    • Fred L. Pick & G. Norman Knight, The Pocket History of Freemasonry, 1953

    • William A. Carpenter, The Exemplar, A Guide to a Mason’s Actions, 1985

    • Charles A. Snodgrass & Bobby J. Demott, The History of Freemasonry in Tennessee, 1994

    • Brent Morris, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry

    • Christopher Hodapp, Freemasonry for Dummies

    • Kevin Gest, Freemasonry Decoded

    • W. L. Wilmshurst, The Meaning Of Masonry by W. L. Wilmshurst

    • David Harrison, Genesis of Freemasonry by David Harrison

    • The Freemasons Key by Albert Mackey (Author), Joseph Fort Newton (Author), Michael R. Poll (Editor)

    • Christopher Hodapp, Solomon’s Builders: Freemasons, Founding Fathers and the Secrets of Washington D.C.

    • Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus

      Suggested subjects for level elective reading:

    • General Information about Freemasonry; Philosophy of Freemasonry; Symbolism and Freemasonry.

  • Nine (9) MEU’s required for certification. To provide for a variety of individual interests/study for Masonic leaders, the nine MEU’s will be earned from the Level II list.

    Read and submit an Evaluation Report for three of the books listed below

    MEU’s: 1 per book

    Max MEU’S: 3

    Read additional books from the Recommended Books List or other Masonic books and submit Evaluation Reports for them

    MEU’s: 1 per book

    Max MEU’s: 5

    Attend Tennessee Lodge of Research or a Masonic research meeting, and submit an Evaluation Report

    MEU’S: ½ MEU per session

    Max MEU’s: 2

    Present a Masonic Education program to any Masonic Body or to a public gathering. (20 minutes or longer)

    MEU’S: 1 for each different presentation

    Max MEU’s: 3

    Compose a Masonic article, suitable for publication. (1000 words minimum)*

    MEU’S: 1 for each article

    Max MEU’S: 3

    Required Reading (pick three):

    • Huss, The Master Builders, (3 Volumes – one credit for each volume)

    • Bullock, Revolutionary Brotherhood

    • Haggard, The Clergy and the Craft

    • Roy, Stalwart Builders – G.L. of Mass., 1735-1970

    • Leaser, Fundamentalism and Freemasonry

    • Thorn, The Boy Who Cried Wolf

    • DeHoyas & Morris, Is it True What They Say About Freemasonry?

    • Johnson, The Beginnings of Freemasonry in America

    • Coil, Freemasonry Through Six Centuries

    • G.L. of England, Grand Lodge of England 1717 – 1967

    • Smith, Douglas, Working the Rough Stone: Freemasonry and Society in Eighteenth-Century Russia, Northern Illinois Univ. Press, 1999

    • Jasper Ridley, The Freemasons

    • The Templars: The History and the Myth: From Solomon’s Temple to the Freemasons by Michael Haag

    • The Craft: A History of English Freemasonry by John Hamill

    • Masonic Membership of the Founding Fathers by Ronald E. Heaton

    • Washington: The Man and the Mason by Charles H. Callahan

    • Freemasonry in American History by Allen E. Roberts

    • House Undivided: The Story of Freemasonry & the Civil War by Allen E. Roberts

    • Revolutionary Brotherhood: Freemasonry and the Transformation of the American Social Order, 1730… by Steven C. Bullock

    • Records of the hole crafte and fellowship of Masons by Edward Conder

    Suggested subjects for level elective reading:

    • Freemasonry and religion – factual information; Freemasonry’s response to critics; Freemasonry and the world; Freemasonry and our nation.

  • Ten (10) MEU’s required for certification. To provide for a variety of individual interests/study as a dedicated Masonic Scholar, the 10 MEU’s will be earned from the Level III list.

    Read and submit an Evaluation Report for three of the books listed below

    MEU’s: 1 per book

    Max MEU’S: 3

    Conduct a Masonic research project and submit a scholarly research paper to the Academy of Masonic Knowledge

    MEU’s: 3

    Max MEU’s: 3

    Read additional books from the Recommended Books List or other Masonic books and submit an Evaluation Report for each book

    MEU’s: 1 per book

    Max MEU'‘s: 4

    Attend Tennessee Lodge of Research or a Masonic research meeting, and submit an Evaluation Report

    MEU’s: ½ MEU per session

    Max MEU’s: 2

    Present a Masonic Education program to any Masonic Body or to a public gathering. (20 minutes or longer)**

    MEU’s: 1 for each presentation

    Max MEU’s: 3

    Compose a Masonic article, suitable for publication. (2000 words minimum)*

    MEU’s: 1 for each different article

    Max MEU’s: 3

    Required Reading (pick three):

    • Jasper Ridley, The Freemasons (if not read for Level Two)

    • Bullock, Revolutionary Brotherhood (if not read for Level Two)

    • Jacobs, Margaret, Living the Enlightenment

    • Pound, Masonic Addresses and Writings of Roscoe Pound

    • Carr, The Early French Exposures

    • Carr, The Collected Prestonian Lectures

    • Dyer, William Preston and His Work

    • Dumenil, Freemasonry and American Culture

    • Knoop, Jones & Hamer, The Early Masonic Catechisms

    • Wells, The Rise and Development of Organized Freemasonry

    • Vaughn, The Anti-Masonic Party in the U.S., 1826-1842

    • Horne, King Solomon’s Temple in the Masonic Tradition

    • DiBernardo, Giulano, Freemasonry and Its Image of Man, D.J. Costello, Ltd., Kent, England

    • Morals And Dogma by Albert Pike

    • The Royal Arch: Its Hidden Meaning by George H. Steinmetz

    • Masonic Odes and Poems by Rob Morris

    • Mozart and Masonry by Paul Nettl

    • Mozart the Freemason: The Masonic Influence on His Musical Genius by Jacques Henry

    • The Magic Flute Unveiled: Esoteric Symbolism in Mozart’s Masonic Opera by Jacques Chailley