The Ineffable Name Encrypted In The Ineffable Degrees

Presented before the Moqedah Lodge of Perfection # 7, Valley of Nashville, Orient of  Tennessee, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction, USA  June 8, 2010  

The Ineffable Name is the Ineffable Word, the Incommunicable Name expressed for us in the  Tetragrammaton as the symbolic word expressed in four letters which denote the name of God and  which always applies to the Hebrew word only (Mackey 1882).  

In this regard Albert Pike says, “Every degree of the Order has a Word which expresses its  meaning. There is for Hiram only one Word, but this is pronounced in three different manners. There  is one for the Apprentices . . . another for the Fellow-crafts . . . and another for the Masters; and in  their mouth it signifies Truth, a word that is explained by Wisdom. This Word is that used to  designate God, whose true name is ineffable and incommunicable” (Pike 1956).  

Whilst at the Burning Bush this name, as indicated in the Book of Exodus, was communicated  to Moses, “Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel: Jehovah, the God of your fathers, the God  of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me to you: this is my name forever,  and this is my memorial unto all generations.” (Exodus)  

And again in Exodus Chapter VI: “I am Jehovah; and I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and  unto Jacob, by the name El Shaddai; but by my name Jehovah was I not known unto them”  (Exodus).  

Although we venture the pronunciation of this Name of God, there is no authoritative agreement  as to the proper pronunciation, although it is variously accepted as Yahweh or Jehovah or Yehavah  as in the less familiar Yehavah Al Alohim and “which is rendered Lord-God” (Hutchens 2006).  Irrespective of vowel differentiations each has the same numerical value when transliterated from  alpha characters to numerical equivalents. The sum of the numerical value of each consonant in the  Ineffable Name is 26. It is variously written in Masonry as the Hebrew letter Yod, equivalent to the  English letters I, or J, or Y, and often enclosed within an equilateral triangle; He, equivalent to the  letter H; Vauv, equivalent to the letter V or W; and concluded with the letter He or H again. The  Hebrew numerical equivalent of Y is 10. The numerical equivalent of the letter He or H is 5 and the  numerical equivalent of Vauv, V or W is 6. We find it written also in Phoenician characters as upon  the jewel in the 14th Degree (Hutchens 1995).  

Because Masonry speaks to us in a language of symbols we must be cognizant of the Ineffable  Name expressed not only in Hebrew and Phoenician letters but also through numbers and other  symbols. It is the intent herein to identify some of the more common, yet cryptic forms of the  Ineffable Name in each of the ten Degrees of Perfection. In review of the 4th Degree it is said that  “the AGE of a Secret Master is nine years (Pike 1982). Insomuch as the word “age” is fully  capitalized in the text it is a hint to us that we think beyond the mere number of years. In this context  the term AGE must mean something more.  

If we think of the number 9 as the square of 3 it begins to take on different connotations.  10
Imagine one square containing nine smaller squares within it and each smaller square containing a  different digit comprised of 1 through 9. By placing those nine digits in a specific order we will  configure the well known Pythagorean Talisman shown here:  

Ill. 1, Pythagorean Talisman 

The Talisman is significant because in each row, in each column and from corner to corner the  numbers are summed to the number 15. This is of significance in understanding Masonry when we  separate the number 15 into two of its components. Thus we will have a number 10 and a number 5.  By transliterating 10 to the Hebrew letter equivalent we get the letter Yod or Y. Doing likewise with  the number 5 we would transliterate to the letter He or H thus yielding the first two letters of the  Ineffable Name YH and commensurate with either YAH, JAH, or YEH as symbolic of the Sacred  Name (Mackey 1882).  

It is also noted that Hebrew letters as well as Arabic letters are primarily consonants and a few  of them are used secondarily to represent vowels, but full indication of vowels, when provided at  all, is by means of a system of dots or strokes adjacent to the consonant characters (Webster’s 1981).  None of which is allowed by the Pythagorean Talisman. We are, therefore, left to choose vowels at  our leisure.  

It is also quickly recognized that the middle row of numbers is 3-5-7, the same as the steps of  the Winding Stairs to the Middle Chamber which Mackey claims is symbolic of this life and which  approximates Truth in a similar way to which the Ineffable Name of Deity symbolizes, for us, Deity  itself (Mackey 1882).  

In the 5th Degree the number 9 is used again when Adoniram is ordered by Solomon to prepare  a funeral consistent with the virtues of Hiram, and in 9 days he prepared a mausoleum and ordered  all the Craft to be present.  

In the 6th Degree we find the Lodge illuminated by 3 candlesticks, each having 9 branches and  forming 3 equilateral triangles. Here again we have another rendition of the square of 3 depicting  numerically in flaming lights the Ineffable Name and also in triangular form which almost always  represents Deity. Additionally, there is now reference to a triune nature as well. Also, on the apron  flap for this degree we find an equilateral triangle with the Hebrew letters Yod He or Y H on the  apron itself.  

The 7th Degree demonstrates the first two letters of the Ineffable Name on the apron both in  Hebrew and in Phoenecian characters while the numerical composition of the Ineffable Name is  composed of the 3 sided triangle, 5 lights illuminating the Lodge, (1 in the East, 2 in the West, 1 in  the south, and 1 in the North) and of course, the 7 Judges and Provosts central to the theme of the  degree. Hence the necessary 3, 5, and 7 equating to 15 and again transliterating to Yod He.  

The 8th Degree is styled Intendant of the Building. Here the Lodge is lighted with 27 candles  comprised of three groups of 9 in the East, South, and West. Again the square of three is evident   three times over. Moreover, the Blazing Five-Pointed Star hangs in the East and is emblazoned with  the Hebrew letters Yod, He, Vauv or the Samaritan letters of the same.  

We can make the case again in the 9th Degree based on the 9 virtues necessary in the pursuit of  Justice. They include: Disinterestedness, Courtesy, Devotedness, Firmness, Generosity, Self-Denial,  Heroism, and Loyalty. Additionally, 9 Craftmen were appointed by King Solomon to pursue the  murderers of Hiram.  

The 10th Degree depicts the apprehension of the remaining two ruffians through the additional  appointment by King Solomon of 6 additional Craftmen. The total number of Craftmen is 15.  Furthermore, the Lodge is again lighted with 3 sets of 5 lights. Again, we have 15 which has been  shown to transliterate to Yod He.  

In the 11th Degree it is said that the age of an Elu of the Twelve is 18 years (Pike 1982), (2 x 9 =  18). The 9th, 10th, and 11th Degrees are called the elect degrees and in each the Ineffable Name is  either evident directly through the sum of 15 or through deriving the numerical value of 15 through  the Pythagorean Talisman.  

In the 12th Degree a black and white interlaced Seal of Solomon hangs in the East and in the  center is the Ineffable Name in Phonecian letters. If the black and white triangles making up the Seal  of Solomon are taken to represent the duality of nature, i.e. the male and the female, it is but a mere  extension to extrapolate to the Yod He where the Yod is masculine and the He feminine.  

In the 13th Degree we are presented with the Cubical Stone in the Royal Arch of Solomon which  derives from the Legend of Enoch. On the face of the Cubical Stone is an equilateral triangle  containing the Ineffable Name. This is further reinforced by the lines of the cubical stone which are  9 when looking at it face on.  

The Cubical Stone is a connecting symbol between the 13th and the 14th Degrees. Wherein the  14th Degree concludes the Lodge of Perfection we find the Ineffable Name presented in the Cubical  Stone, in the 9 Arches of the subterranean vault, in the 3, 5, and 7 lights illuminating the South,  West, and the Altar of Obligation. We find it displayed in the Lesser Tetractys as the Seal of  Solomon depicting the equilibrium of the contraries as in the Yod (masculine) and the He  (feminine), and in the 9 visible lines of the cube, and as Hutchens illustrates, in the Phoenician  characters on the jewel of this degree.  

The Ineffable Name is evident repeatedly throughout the Degrees of Perfection. It is readily  found in written characters on aprons, jewels, and symbols. Moreover, we can now identify the  Ineffable Name encrypted numerically in each of the Degrees of Perfection. We find the same to be  true throughout many of the later degrees as well. In the other bodies we find it in more complex  patterns of constellations, Tribes of Israel, triangles upon squares, chains of triangular links, and  lengthy transliterations from Phoenician to Greek to Hebrew to numerical values, and they always  resolve into the Symbolic Name of Deity in preparation for each of us receiving the Royal Secret and  mastering its application.  


1. Book of Exodus, Chapter iii, vs. 15  

2. Book of Exodus, Chapter vi, vs. 2-3  

3. Hutchens, R., Albert Pike’s Lecture on Masonic Symbolism: The Omkara & Other Ineffable  Words, Transcribed and annotated by Illustrious Rex R. Hutchens 33°, Grand Cross and  Grand Master of Masons in Arizona, The Scottish Rite Research Society, Washington, DC,  2006, pp.180-181  

4. Hutchens, R., A Bridge To Light, 2nd Edition, The Supreme Council 33º of the Ancient &  Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, 1995, p.95  5. Mackey, A.G., Symbolism of Freemasonry: Illustrating and Explaining Its Science,  Philosophy, Its Legends, Myths and Symbols, Clark and Maynard, New York, 1882, pp.  176-197, p. 225  

6. Pike, A., Legenda of the Lodge of Perfection, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, 1956, p. 11  7. Pike, A., Liturgy of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish rite of Freemasonry for the Southern  Jurisdiction of the United States, Part 1, IV-XIV, Reprinted Goetz Printing Company,  Springfield, VA, 1982, pp, 12, 112, 129  

8. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, G & C Merriam Company, Springfield, MA, 1981, p.  32, footnote 4  

Notes & Appendix:  

The ritual of the Scottish Rite degrees is based largely on the revisions and organization of  Albert Pike who established continuity and consistency to a hodge-podge of ancient, albeit disjointed  Masonic degrees. These degrees have been commented upon, explained and illustrated by many  others, some of whom are referenced herein.  

Pike makes frequent use of the Ineffable Name symbolism in the Hebrew, Phoenician and  Samaritan scripts in direct written, as well as more indirectly in alpha-numerical, transliteration.  Attached here for the reader’s reference are examples of the Hebrew, Phoenician, and Samaritan  alphabets as well as the language lineage to help demonstrate the variances and similarities between  these languages of the early millennia.  

 For clarification purposes the numerical equivalent in the Hebrew from aleph (A) to Yod (Y)  are in sequential order 1-10 where Aleph is the number 1, He is number 5 and Yod is number 10. 

From Lawrence Lo 1995-2010;

The evolution of the Samaritan script, from


The Four Masonic Elements


Corn, Wine, Oil, and Ancient Israel